Toilet Facilities etc. 25/03/2021


Toilet Facilities
Dear Member,

Thankfully, we can now look forward to soon getting out onto the course albeit with very limited clubhouse facilities available. From Thursday 1st April until further notice the locker room doors at the rear of the clubhouse will be unlocked from 08.00 hrs until 20.00 hrs. This arrangement is only for the provision of toilet facilities and the locker rooms must not be used for any other purpose. A member’s fob will be required to open the door and under no circumstances should the doors be propped or jammed open. No other parts of the clubhouse will be available to members and should not be accessed.

To facilitate members in retrieving their equipment from lockers and trolley lockers before the big day the locker room doors will be unlocked on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th March from 12.00 hrs until 17.00 hrs. Please ensure you avail of these times.

Members are reminded of the absolute necessity to wear a face covering and to observe social distancing and good sanitising practice at all times within the club premises. IT HASN’T GONE AWAY YOU KNOW. We owe a duty of care to each other and to our staff.

Enjoy your golf.
Kind regards,
Michael Graham (Hon Sec)